Pop! Anime: Naruto - Kakashi The first series of Naruto POP! figures flew off shelves and now in quick order comes a 2nd series consisting of Kakashi, Sakura, Tobi and Naruto (Rasengan). Naruto has proven itself one of Manga/AnimeÕs biggest hits in translation. The Manga has sold over 220 million copies to date and both the comics and Anime series have massive followings. The story has also been used in Video Games, Novels, trading cards and a huge range of merchandise. The Kakashi POP! vinyl figure stands around 9 cm tall. Packed in an illustrated window box. Product gewicht: 250 gram Product afmetingen: 90 mm x 120 mm x 150 mm (LxBxH)
Webshop | Prijs | Kopen |
13 |
Merk | Funko |
Inhoud | Naruto POP! Vinyl Figuur Funko Kakashi 9 cm |
Introductie jaar | 2018 |
Leeftijd | |
EAN | 889698124508 |
Sku | 1186238 |