Saga, the epic space opera/fantasy comic book series created by acclaimed writer Brian K. Vaughan and award-winning artist Fiona Staples, is coming to Funko! Saga depicts two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, as they flee authorities from both sides of a galactic war. Traveling with their newborn daughter, Hazel, they encounter astonishing aliens, fearsome bounty hunters and a host of allies and enemies alike as they try and keep their new family safe. Read Saga from Image Comics today, you`ll be able to pick up Pop! vinyl figures of Lying Cat, Alana, Marko, Prince Robot IV, and The Will, from Funko and Skybound Entertainment. Look for The Will chase! A rarity of 1-in-6.
Webshop | Prijs | Kopen |
4 |
Merk | POP! |
Inhoud | Pop! Comics: Saga - The Will Asst. |
Introductie jaar | 2018 |
Leeftijd | |
EAN | 889698274173 |
Sku | 965222 |