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TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis)

TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis)

� TB can infect any part of the body � TB can remain in a latent state for periods of time � Coughing and sneezing are the most common cause of TB transmission
� Typically, TB targets the lungs and throat � During the latency period, the TB-resistant host is not contagious � Testing and drug-treatments are available for TB

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� TB can infect any part of the body � TB can remain in a latent state for periods of time � Coughing and sneezing are the most common cause of TB transmission
� Typically, TB targets the lungs and throat � During the latency period, the TB-resistant host is not contagious � Testing and drug-treatments are available for TB

Giant Microbes

Inhoud TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis)
Introductie jaar 2018
EAN 890242000230
Sku 1184609
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